• Main design of the Banjaluka – Doboj motorway, Banjaluka – Prnjavor section (drainage design and regulation)
  • Dabar hydro power plant, Main design of the surge tank and pressurised pipeline; Main design of the 220kV connective transmission line; Main design of dislocation of the regional road 427 Berkovići – Krivača
  • Main design of stage III phase I and stage I phase II of a separate sewerage system of used and storm water in the city of Bileća
  • Elaboration of design for reconstruction and construction of a water supply network in the urban part of the municipality of Petrovac
  • Main design of a water supply system in the settlements of Goranci, Bogodol and Podveležje, municipality of Mostar
  • Design for replacement of asbestos-cement pipes with ductile pipes and resolution to the drainage of faecal water with the transformation of asbestos-cement pipes into a sewerage collector - Municipality of Zavidovići
  • Main design of the "Greda-Aladinići" pipeline and a distributive pipeline of "Do" pumping station - water tank in the Municipality of Stolac
  • Preliminary design of a Potable water preparation plant at springs: "Vrela" and "Ilidža" in Soko LC
  • Preliminary design of a Potable water preparation plant for the Bunar spring in Stjepan Polje LC, Municipality of Gračanica
  • Elaboration of a design for ''Komlenac'' water supply system - phase 3 - Contracting additional works on the secondary water supply system Knežica, Municipality of Kozarska Dubica
  • Elaboration of a report of groundwater quality and reserves at the Grmić spring, City of Bijeljina
  • Elaboration of evidence for issuance of the environmental permit for construction of canals on the left and right Vrbas river banks in Novoselija, Banja Luka, City of Banja Luka
  • Design of a public faucet on Krajina Square in Banja Luka, City of Banja Luka
  • Elaboration of the main design of faecal sewerage in part of Hajduk Veljka Street in Banja Luka (lot 5), City of Banja Luka
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation of the main design for execution and reconstruction of the existing and construction of a new pipeline from Laktaši reservoir to the bridge in Klašnice, section Jakupovci, Municipality of Laktaši
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation of the main design for execution and reconstruction of the existing and construction of a new pipeline from Laktaši reservoir to the bridge in Klašnice, section Laktaši
  • Collection of data on the floods that occurred in May 2014 in the Vrbas river drainage basin, Zavod za vodoprivredu LLC Bijeljina
  • Elaboration of preliminary and main designs under a framework agreement for designing and storm water drainage and civil engineering designs, Government of Brčko District BiH
  • Amendments to the water supply network in Rakovica Municipality of Ilidža
  • Elaboration of the main design for the repair of a water supply system in Krfska street
  • Elaboration of the main design for the repair of a water system network and faecal sewerage in Alekse Šantića Street, Government of Brčko District, BiH
  • Elaboration of the detailed design for construction of a separate sewerage network in the settlement of Velešići (parts of R. Boškovića, Velešići and Isaka Samokovlije streets), Municipality of Novo Sarajevo
  • Elaboration of the detailed design for construction of a sewerage network in Fra Matije Divkovića Street, in Petra Sinana Šajina Street, Municipality of Novo Sarajevo
  • Elaboration of the main design for construction of a sewerage network in the villages of Strica and Zaruđe, Municipality of Vareš
  • Construction of the "main design of Lokvine LC faecal sewerage"
  • Collection of data on the floods that occurred in May 2014, in the Vrbas river drainage basin, Zavod za vodoprivredu LLC Bijeljina
  • Elaboration of a feasibility study, Environmental impact assessment and environmental management plan and a Social impact assessment for the Flood protection project in BiH, Municipality of Bijeljina
  • Elaboration of the main design for construction of Komlenac water supply system - phase 3 Municipality of Kozarska Dubica
  • Elaboration of the preliminary design of SBR waste water treatment system in the city of Ljubinje, Municipality of Ljubinje,
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for reconstruction of part of main distributive and discharge pipelines in the City of Zvornik and Karakaj suburbs, Municipality of Zvornik
  • Elaboration of the main design of floodgate in the Neretva river bed downstream from Jablanica HPP dam for the needs of Branch Office of "Hidroelektrane na Neretvi"- Jablanica
  • Elaboration of the main detailed design of sewerage in Srebrenica, Municipality of Srebrenica
  • Elaboration designs for research activities programs for prevention of water filtration in Salakovac HPP
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for at the level of main design for components 2 and 3; water supply system and sewerage project in the City of Trebinje
  • Elaboration of Oćune water supply system design in the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad
  • Elaboration of the preliminary and main design for construction of a pre-pumping station in A. Bukvice Street, Brčko District Government of Brčko
  • Elaboration of designs for construction of Bašinjača reservoir and a distributive pipeline in the settlements of: Previja, Donji Ribnik and Zableće, Municipality of Ribnik
  • Elaboration of the as built design of a secondary sewerage network in the municipality of Istočno Sarajevo
  • Elaboration of the preliminary and main design of the Jabušnica river regulation, flood prevention plan, elaboration of a dyke design Hydro Energy LLC Gacko
  • Elaboration of the preliminary and main design of the Žiraja river regulation, flood prevention plan, elaboration of a dyke design MEGA ELEKTRIK JSC Banja Luka
  • Elaboration of the main design of the Križevica river regulation in the municipality of Bratunac
  • Elaboration of designs for development of mountain brooks in the territory of the municipality of Kostajnica under the IRB project, Municipality of Kostajnica
  • Elaboration of the main design for reparation and development of the Mioča river bed in the Jahorina bridge section (a bridge in the settlement of Mlini on the regional road Sarajevo-Visoko), upstream through the settlement of Mlini to a constructed basin - by the house of Osman Mešetović, in a length of about 300m
  • Elaboration of the main design for water supply in the Bioča LC in a length of about 2000 m from a spring in Bioča, Municipality of Ilijaš
  • Elaboration of the as built design of a secondary sewerage network in the municipality of Trnovo, Istočno Sarajevo
  • Design of a water supply system in the Vukšić LC,
  • Design of a sewerage network, the Blizina brook,
  • Reparation of a water tower, Brčko district
  • Elaboration of the main design of an asphalt plateau with storm water drainage in the port of Brčko, Brčko district BiH
  • Project of the investment technical documentation for a water supply system in the city of Stolac, Municipality of Stolac
  • Elaboration of the main design for the Križevica river regulation in the municipality of Bratunac UNDP
  • Elaboration of programs for sanitary protection of water from the springs Božića vrela, Javor, Musina česma and Sedra in Mokro, Municipality of Pale
  • Elaboration of the main design of a sewerage system in Nevesinje, Municipality of Nevesinje
  • Elaboration of the main design for road construction, electro and hydro infrastructure in Nova Topola agro-industrial area
  • Elaboration of the design documentation for drainage of groundwater and leachate from a sanitary landfill in Ramići JP ''DEP-OT''
  • Elaboration of the Main design of a plant the treatment of waste water from the Tailings pond of the mine P.J.''GROS'' SASE bb, Srebrenica
  • "PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR INFRASTRUCTURAL STRUCTURES IN THE BUSINESS ZONE ''GLINIŠTE'' IN TEŠANJ", the elaboration of this design comprised the Radušica river bed regulation, in a total length of L=1 564.00m. Section of the Radušica river bed, which was subject of this design, lies on the upstream side of a bridge on the regional road Jelah - Tešanj, a and on the downstream side to a bridge on the main road Jelah – Doboj, MUNICIPALITY OF TEŠANЈ
  • Elaboration of the as built design of a secondary sewerage network in the municipality of Pale, Istočno Sarajevo
  • Elaboration of the design documentation for a water supply system at the Trebinje airport and villages that gravitate to the Zupci plateau, Trebinje
  • Elaboration of the main design for reparation and reconstruction of a water supply system in Bratunac
  • Preparation and detailed design for electricity and water supply and a design of a protective fence for Crni Vrh sanitary landfill, PC Regionalna deponija, Zvornik
  • Elaboration of the main design of a secondary water supply network, phase 2 in the settlement of Potkozarje, LOT 2 City of Banja Luka
  • Design for construction of a water supply system in Veliko Klekovačino vrelo - Potoci with three basins of 800 m3 each, Municipality of Istočni Drvar
  • Design of a water supply system of Ajzer bunar Srnetica, Municipality of Istočni Drvar
  • Elaboration of a design for water reservoir construction and water suppy network reconstruction in the area of Donji Ribnik, Previja and Zableće, Municipality of Ribnik
  • Elaboration of the main design of a water supply system in the settlement of Borač I and II and the faecal sewerage in Vojvode Petra Pavlovića Street in the settlement of Borač, Municipality of Rogatica
  • Elaboration of a design for water supply system alignment and a faecal sewerage alignment for the "Sports and business centre in Pale", Municipality of Pale
  • Elaboration of the design documentation "Development of the Sana river bed in the municipality of Sanski Most''
  • Elaboration of a detailed design for water supply from Tomašica lakes, Municipality of Prijedor
  • Elaboration of the as built report of the tunnel FP - AB with a proposal final solution to tunnel lining ZP Hidroelektrane na Trebišnjici JSC Trebinje
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for execution, for Maglajani secondary water supply network about 100 km Municipality of Laktaši
  • Elaboration of the main design and detailed design for roads in the coverage of the Kamenica business zone in Bihać, hydro-technical phase, water supply system and sewerage in the Municipality of Bihać
  • Elaboration of the Conceptual solution and the Main design of a transport pipeline from the Rudanka spring to the main city reservoir ''Vodovod'' JSC Doboj
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for the execution of hard landscaping of areas around a sports hall in Laktaši, hydro-technical phase, storm water sewerage, Municipality of Laktaši
  • Elaboration of a design of water supply system and sewerage network in the Kula - Zeban industrial zone in Vlasenica, Municipality of Vlasenica
  • Elaboration of the design documentation "Development of the Sana river bed in the municipality of Sanski Most" Municipality of Sanski Most
  • Elaboration of the main design and detailed design of reconstruction of roads in Cazin and Velika Kladuša in the settlements of Stijena, Topusko and Zagrad, hydro-technical phase, storm water sewerage, Municipality of Cazin
  • Elaboration of the investment technical documentation - main design of a path with storm water drainage in Gračanica (Stjepan Polje)
  • Elaboration of the preliminary design of a sewerage network in the settlements of Guča Gora, Krpeljići and Radonjići in the municipality of Travnik, Municipality of Travnik
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for road construction in streets Veseli Brijeg and Novaka Pivaševića in Banja Luka, hydro-technical phase, water supply and sewerage
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for construction of footways in the settlement of Čelebići, municipality of Konjic, hydro-technical phase, storm water sewerage
  • Designing a faecal sewerage system in the settlement of Tavija, Municipality of Kostajnica
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for road construction in several streets in Banja Luka, hydro-technical phase, water supply and sewerage
  • Elaboration of a detailed design for the execution and water supply system in the Kriškovci LC, Municipality of Laktaši
  • Elaboration of the main design for construction of a water supply system in Zlača in the Stupari LC, Municipality of Kladanj
  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for construction of the Zlača water supply system, Municipality of Kladanj
  • Elaboration of the main design for reparation of the reparation of a potable water system used by a plant in Ševarlije ''Terminali'' JSC, Doboj
  • Elaboration of the main design a footway with a storm water drainage system in the settlement of Pudin Han, L=about 1200m and entrance to, L=650m
  • Elaboration of the detailed design of a water supply system in the settlement of Morava in Kozarska Dubica, Municipality of Kozarska Dubica
  • Design for the construction of a buildings for permanent accommodation of the Agency for education and professional enhancement of personnel Mostar
  • Elaboration of the main design for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the road Caparde - Šekovići
  • Elaboration of the main design of the Kotor Varoš bypass with all structures on the alignment and roundabouts at entrance and exit
  • Design for reconstruction of bridge no. 34 on the river Vrbanja, with access roads, in the settlement of Vrbanja, on the main road M-4, section Rebrovac – Čelinac
  • Preliminary design for M6 Section Ljubuški - Čapljina Čapljina bypass with a feasibility study and an environmental impact assessment
  • Main design of a waste water treatment plant in the town of Livno
  • Elaboration of preliminary and main designs under a framework agreement for design of urban, suburban streets, sidewalks, curbs and storm water drainage in Brčko District
  • Elaboration of the main design of modernisation and reconstruction of the road M16; section Livno – Šuica M16; section Kupres - Šuica.
  • Elaboration of a design for construction of a dog park on Srpske Vojske Boulevard in Banja Luka
  • Main design for reconstruction of cross roads in Livno and a roundabout– Lot 2: Partizansko, Lot 3: Splitska (M15 and M16), Lot 4: Troglav (M15 and M6.1)



  • Nostrification of the Main design of a silicon metal production factory, at the location of Bjelajce, Mrkonjić Grad
  • Audit of the Main design of Bočac 2 HPP
  • Audit of the innovated and amended main design of a closed cycle and waste water treatment at Tuzla Thermal power plant in Tuzla
  • Nostrification of Jajce 2 HPP
  • Audit of the technical documentation "Main design for construction of a business facility (hall) and construction of a substitute business facility in Ramići"
  • Audit of the main design for a joint public facility of the family medicine consulting-room and local community in Donja kola LC in Banja Luka,
  • Audit of the Preliminary and main design of reconstruction and construction of a sewerage network, Municipality of Bosanski Petrovac
  • Nostrification of the design documentation for the project: "Reconstruction and modernisation of a navigable part of the river Sava from Račinovci to Sisak"
  • Audit of the design of a water supply system in the Municipality of Zvornik



  • SAFEGE – Flood risk management for RS
  • Main design of a silicon metal production factory, at the location of Bjelajce, Mrkonjić Grad
  • Supervision over the construction and reconstruction of hydro-technical structures for the needs of Department for communal affairs in the Government of Brčko District BiH
  • Main Bank of RS, Central bank of BiH, Banja Luka
  • Supervision over the construction of water supply networks, faecal and storm sewerage systems.
  • Supervision over the enlargement of a water supply network in city water supply systems and sewerage network in the territory of the Municipality of Kostajnica
  • Supervision of all works relating to the construction of a sewerage system in the territory of the municipality of Donji Žabar, Municipality of Donji Žabar
  • Supervision of additional works in the construction of a sewerage network in Kotor Varoš - a secondary sewerage network in the settlement of Ramin Potok, Municipality of Kotor Varoš



  • Retirement home in Banja Luka
  • Toll stations on the motorway Gradiška-Banjaluka between two tunnels in the village of Jakupovci, Municipality of Laktaši
  • Mahovljani interchange
  • Technical takeovers of primary and secondary water supply networks and collectors (faecal and storm water)
  • Technical takeovers of hard landscaping with an overview of collectors (faecal and storm water) and water supply network alignment
  • Facilities of building construction with an overview of the installations of water supply systems and sewerage systems