Environmental protection sector of the Civil Engineering Institute IG LLC Banja Luka has developed a large number of:


  • Environmental impact assessments for all larger newly constructed facilities in the Republika Srpsa:
    • Buk Bijela HPP, Dub HPP, Ustiprača HPP, Jajce II HPP, Bočac 2 MHPP, Medna MHPP, MHPPs Bistrica B4 and B5a, a system of 5 MHPPs on the river Rzav,
    • Mahovlјani – Gradiška motorway,
    • Regional sanitary landfills Ramići, Brijesnica, Crni Vrh, Uborak
    • Ševarlije limestone quarry and limestone factory,
    • Landfill of dross and ash at Tuzla TPP,
    • Farm for 600 dairy cows.


  • Strategic environmental impact assessments for all larger Spatial plans in the Republika Srpska:
    • Spatial plan of the City of Banja Luka,
    • Spatial plan of the Municipality of Pelagićevo,
    • Spatial plan of the special purpose area Sutjeska NP.


  • Environmental management plans and social impact assessments, including resettlements plans:
    • Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) - Flood Emergency Response Project - Republika Srpska and Brčko District,
    • Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Project of construction of protection dyke on the left Drina bank, from Balatun upstream to Glavičice,


  • Documentation for acquiring the environmental permits for all larger existing and newly constructed facilities in the Republika Srpska:
    • Uglјevik thermal power plant and mine,
    • Višegrad HPP,
    • Bimal edible oil factory,…


  • Management plans for protected areas:
    • Sutjeska National Park,
    • Kozara National Park,
    • Janj Protected Forest Area,
    • Lom Protected Forest Area.


  • GIS database development:
    • Identification, categorisation and development of a database of local and illegal landfills in the territory of the Republika Srpska with an assessment of funds necessary for their remediation,
    • Taxonomic and geographic assessment of species and varieties with the aim of preparing the Red list of flora and fauna of the Republika Srpska,
    • GIS database for Kozara NP.


  • Public campaigns for promotion, protection and improvement:
    • Campaign for promotion and increase the level of public information and positive changes in public perception of solid waste management,
    • Campaign for promotion and increase the level of public information about areas that are under protection in the Republika Srpska.


  • Local Environmental Action Plan (LEAP) for:
    • City of Banja Luka,
    • Istočni Drvar.


  • Elaboration of the technical documentation for the construction of large Regional sanitary landfills in line with European standards and directives:
    • Regional sanitary landfill „Ramići“, Banja Luka
    • Regional sanitary landfill „Kurevo - Stara pruga“, Prijedor
    • Regional sanitary landfill „Crni Vrh-sjever“, Zvornik
    • Regional sanitary landfill „Smiljevći“, Sarajevo,
    • Regional sanitary landfill „Možura“, municipality of Bar.


  • Waste and waste material management plans:
    • RITE Gacko,
    • Arcelor Mittal Waste management plan,
    • Plan for final disposal of goudron and remediation of the contaminated soil in Brod oil Refinery.


  • Environmental monitoring:
    • Complete "zero" monitoring of water, air, noise, vibrations and soil in a wider vicinity of the future Stanari TPP,
    • Multi-year complete environmental monitoring in the region of Ramići Regional sanitary landfill,
    • Multi-year monitoring of air quality in the territory of the city of Banja Luka,


A large number of significant reference jobs shows that the investors of activities performed by the Environmental protection sector of the Civil Engineering Institute so far have been the Republika Srpska Environmental Protection Fund, RS Ministry of Science and Technology, state-owned public companies, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, private investors...